Fault Burger

Location : Seoul, Korea
Completed Date : May, 2020
Category : Restaurant
Photo : Choi Yong Joon
“Tennis was used as the motif for the creation of this area.”
It is undeniable that ‘metaphor’ seems to be the better and more sophisticated choice than direct descriptions. As a person living in a culture where subtle expressions are considered to be a virtue, I looked back on the projects I planned in the past and realized that our design has also become subtle due to such practices. Some projects embarrassed me as if I were reading love letters written in high school. Of course, a “metaphor” is neither wrong nor bad. This project simply made me realize that a ‘metaphor’ is not the only good way of expressing something, and that addressing an object directly can be equally as effective. When we first contemplated the space for “Fault Burger,” we realized that we had been immersed in the past practices without even realizing it. We wanted to express the meaning of the venue in one layer beneath the surface. However, the accepted result came when we relaxed and ensured that the brand could be felt immediately. I think that this was the result of “Orewase,” which planned and established the identity of “FAULT BURGER” and “BY SEOG BE SEOG,” which specializes in space, balanced each other’s experiences and perspectives in a harmonious way.
BY SEOG BE SEOG” conducted a number of projects using space, but this project was something different than what they were used to. This may largely be the result of working with another group that had vastly different perspectives. “Orewase,” seasoned in the advertising industry in the frontline of the latest trends, believes that “unique” is the keyword that pierces through today’s contemporary times. So they wanted “FAULT BURGER” to be not just a food vendor but a venue that sells the contemporary culture symbolized by the keyword ‘unique.’ They used ‘tennis’ as their motif so that the public could easily respond to such efforts. We at “BY SEOG BE SEOG” believed that adding our experiences with space could lead to the best possible result. All elements of the design are intended to ensure that the user can feel the pre-planned concept of the brand in its entirety, expressed through the balance of the two companies’ different characteristics and advantages. The most important element was the seats that looked like a tennis court. The layout and design of this took up a significant portion of the project’s time from the beginning. Additionally, various elements of the space were designed so that the feeling of tennis and a tennis court could be delivered to the users clearly.
Another key element in this space was the free use of the interior and the exterior. To overcome the limited space in the interior, the external space was absolutely necessary. Because the exterior is limited by interactions with other buildings, we planned to make the external space a part of the brand and add a design that was not necessarily extraordinary but symbolic. We had to choose an external fence that really served as one, and elements that connected the inside and the outside within the defined space were added (a window that opened up wide and could also be used as a seat) so that the external space could be used as the interior.
We believe that a space is created with the thoughts and feelings of those to run the space, those to use it, and those who create it. The space of “FAULT BURGER” was created and is run by people who make it their biggest goal to ensure that the people who use the space understand the space itself. Of course, creating and running a space involves many limitations. The people who created and are running “FAULT BURGER” have worked hard to overcome such limitations and create better results. We believe that such efforts have led to many exemplary results. Some were not as satisfactory as expected, but all of them came together to create the space that is “FAULT BURGER.” Right now, the less-than-satisfactory aspects could be a positive energy for the future, not just simple failures. That, we believe, is the true meaning of ‘fault’ that “FAULT BURGER” wishes to communicate.
Fault Burger

Project Made For

Fault Burger


Creative Fields