Abigail Broadhurst's profile

Pause and Acknowledge

Pause and Acknowledge is a work centred around the themes of grief and processing. I have always kept myself busy, running from one thing to the next. A lot of people could look at my life and say that I have been running towards achievement, but in reality, I have been running away from pain and grief. I constantly distract myself with a tornado of busyness and I seldom take time to sit and process everything that has happened to me. This piece serves as a healing piece; I allowed myself to process and grieve through the act of creation and confrontation. It also acts as a healing piece for the viewer to engage in and take time to quiet themselves and confront what they may be running from. A chair was used as the foundation of this piece to symbolize the process of “sitting” in grief. This foundation was adorned with woven, painted, and sewn-on layers, taking inspiration from Lucy Dodd’s work. Another artist that helped spark this piece is Bunny Rogers. When talking about her work Rogers stated, “I want to allow for complex ways of viewing and articulating a trauma. Because otherwise, you can never really pull apart your feeling toward something that has happened, and eventually relate it to others.”
Pause and Acknowledge

Pause and Acknowledge
