Roquier Cédric's profile

Occupy Wall Street

This book talks about the movement Occupy Wall Street known as OWS. Explaining how and why he started, he's not just a simple pocket book. Occupy fight against capitalism and inequality for a better life. At the begining the protesters used the Wall Street newspaper to print their own messages and revendications. They used weapons of capitalism to turn against him. This is the same way used by RLF
The concept of this book is something like that, but this time this is the capitalism who use weapons of protesters. A book who talk about the movement, in wich there is some "invisible" messages revealing the reality, like thoses are in the Carpenter's movie They Live : OBEY – CONFORM – WATCH TV, etc. This is what the actors of globalization could say to the people. Everything the people do profit to the capitalism. 
A book who talk about this problem profit to the globalization, because the profits are for the richs, even thoses that the movement fight. 
This is a fictive projet I made during my last school year. To see all the developpement, check the research here.
12 x 19.2 cm
Texts : Gill Sans semibold from Eric Gill
Serigraphy : Euclid Bold from Emmanuel Rey
Kaskad Neongelb 80 g/m2
Lessebo Smooth Ivory 90 g/m2
Cover : cardboard 1,5 mm

188 pages
Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street

A book about the occupy wall street movement in wich there is some hidden messages...
