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One Incredible day/book

Един невероятен ден" ("One incredible day") is a book made as a final assignment for the course Introduction to Imagemaking by Gail Swanlund, Faculty in Graphic Design in California Institute of the Arts.
The task was to prepare an eight page book consisting of 8 spreads (3 double page spreads plus a front and back cover) trying to use at least one form of compositional hierarchy that we had studied during the lectures. I started with this intention but I got so absorbed in the process that my book became a bit longer.
The process behind my work consisted of few stages: sketching ideas through associative thinking what kind of story using the chosen animal of me - a guenon I can think of, thinking of his character, likes and dislikes, what could happen to him, meanwhile my subconscious mind was giving me flashes from all directions, I started to think of people I had met who had left lasting impression on me with their peculiarities, then further fueling my mojo flow by taking a walk outside, going through books I find charming and adorable such as Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar, at the last stage I started experimenting with brushes and materials. One little though was leading to something else. To put a needed order I tried to work with the frame: exposition, complication, climax, outcome.

One Incredible day/book


One Incredible day/book

Един незабравим ден" ("One incredible day") is a book made as a final assignment for the course Introduction to Imagemaking by Gail Swanlund, Fac Read More
