RYDE - A Carpool System for UMSL
by: Ariel Biggerstaff, Tempestt Burel, Eric Siedler, & Kristin Ross  
Advanced Problems 2 (Spring 2014)
Instructor : Jen McKnight
Ryde is a free carpool system for UMSL students. It functions as a mobile app and is promoted by a motion, poster series, pamphlet, and facebook page. The mobile application helps UMSL students who live near each get in contact and carpool. Also with a provided sticker students who use the application and carpool will have first row parking. 
When carpooling not only do you save money on gas, but you are also reducing the amount of air pollution. Carpooling programs are beginning to be seen on many campuses and would be very beneficial at UMSL. After surveying a group of UMSL students, we found that on average their commute is 30 minutes. So why not RYDE? 