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College Play Poster 輔仁大學英語系畢業公演海報設計

The Graduation Play Poster
"Celebration", a wildiest comedy play by Harold Pinter was chosen to be the Graduation Play by The English Dept of FuJen Catholic University. 

The aim was to focus on bringing out an upspoken sense of menace, mystery and darkness that underlies Pinter's writing.  The poster design is rationalized in 2 tones that define the dark, disturbing feelings of the play: the restaurant as the set of the play, with sharks swimming underneath, is set in halftone giving a touch of an abrupt and dangerous mood. Red characters help emphasise a bizarre and ambiguous feeling of suspense .
Invitation Card Design
College Play Poster 輔仁大學英語系畢業公演海報設計

College Play Poster 輔仁大學英語系畢業公演海報設計

"Celebration", a wildiest comedy play by Harold Pinter was chosen to be the Graduation Play by The English Dept of FuJen Catholic University. T Read More
