Concept word- Gratitude 
Gratitude is an expression of giving and being thankful for everthing around vou. Me being a spiritual person have always practiced gratitude after my meditations. It's a ritual where I join my hands in a formation that symbolises lotus bud and open fingers as petals to send gratitude for different elements with it. So in the end vou see a complete bloomed lotus.This is the concept that I have tried to imbibe in mv visual.

Hand done explorations.
Digital Explorations.
Concept word- Pride
Pride is such an emotion if not kept in control it could lead to self destruction. Like an egoistic person is blind to see what's in front of him leading to create shell a around himself. which is self consuming and in the end the person suffocates himself and dies without even realising it.This is the concept for pride which I have tried to imbibe in mv design.

Hand done exploration.
Digital Explorations.




