Dyah Shinta Dwitya's profile

Let Bunny Cooks for You

Client: Ayshealthyascanbe
Completion Date: Apr 26th, 2014
#ayshealthyascanbe is a healthy caterer project by a friend of mine, Kushandari Arfanidewi (IG: @kelincitertidur) which she started earlier this year to accommodate the possibility of many busy people all around Jakarta to have a healthier choice of food. It is fundamentally based on the popular Mayo Diet, with improved recipes so it tastes just as good as any un-diet foods.

For a special gimmick, she ‘accessorise’ each batch with complimentary CDs that consist of a carefully-arranged mixtape. And here’s where I contribute myself.

I collaborated with another wonderful female, Sarah Glandosch (IG & Twitter: @sarahglandosch) for the 4th mixtape CD. She compiled the mixtape and I created the artwork. We haven’t had the chance to talk or get to know each other but surprisingly, the collaboration went nice!

The main concept of the artwork itself was to visualise a bunny (‘kelinci’ in Bahasa Indonesia, as in ‘kelincitertidur’) serving a special dish. The diner lady look & attire was chosen because of my personal preference, I think it represents an active lady who loves getting busy cooking/serving foods for other people.
"Let Bunny Cooks for You"
Cover artwork for #Ayshealthyascanbe
Ballpoint on paper & Photoshop
Let Bunny Cooks for You

Let Bunny Cooks for You

Cover artwork for Banana Submarine V.4, a complimentary mixtape CD for #Ayshealthyascanbe diet catering's customers.
