3D - printed hand prothesis

During the reaserch it turned out that three fingers is just enough to grab objects needed in everyday life. What is more it lowers the cost and production time. This prosthesis is 3D printed, which means it is cheaper than advanced prostheses, can be easily adopted the user’s needs, every part can be printed again in case of losing or getting broken.
The aim of the project is to make hand prosthesis more affordable and accessible to amputees. Getting a prosthesis costs a lot, and an artificial hand is just top of an iceberg. A long process of adjusting right prosthesis, rehabilitation, exercising, medical assistance also come with high price. It means that recovery requiers a small fortune and this is not an acceptable state of affairs.
There is a huge gap between simple, static artificial hands made of silicone and advanced, myoelectroic prosthesis made of carbon fiber or other supermaterials. And this gap became main field of my intrests and action.​​​​​​​
Palm it!


Palm it!
