Guus Vermeulen's profile

background illustratie

background illustratie 
Voor deze opdracht moeten we een background illustratie uitwerken en bij je werk ook een verhaal bedenken en schrijven. 
The Story Amanita

On a sunny orange morning in the realm of fay. Where magic is all around. The plants don’t just grow but also walk. The animals are stranger than you can comprehend. But above all else where logic is thrown out the window.

. The bakery in a town called bergamot was doing its daily business. Everyday family shroom would work on their famous bread and pastries. People would come from far and wide to taste their work. Their eldest daughter was also very loved by the children in the town because she would sometimes put on a show for them. This included throwing around dough, juggling tarts while chopping up ingredients all at ones in such a speed your eyes could almost not follow it. One day whilst Amanita the eldest daughter of the bakers family was making their famous bergamot cake it tragically tumbled over and hit the floor. Her brother laughed at her whilst he was stuffing his face full with tarts. Her dad told them to shut it and that this cake needed to be done by 12. While she was looking for the reason it tumbled over she found a little black cat with strange tentacles: “what are you doing here little fellow where is your mom where do you come from. Because where we come from it is not nice to knock over cakes little kitten.” She said this obviously thinking the cat would not react back. But surprisingly the cat spoke in a calm but urgent voice: “I need your help sorry about the cake, but I needed to get your attention somehow”. At first Amanita thought she was making it up in her head. But then the cat spoke again this time in a more panicked tone of voice: “hello can you hear me I need your help I come from a different dimension b-but I somehow ended up here”. Amanita looked perplexed and thought to herself I have seen and heard some strange things but a talking kitty with two tentacles really tops it all. Before she could give an answer, the bakery door bel rang and the town’s mayor walked in and proceeded to ask about the cake and if it would be done by 12 a clock. Amanita quickly stood in front of the cake on the floor or at least wat was left of it and her father tried to assure the mayor that he would get his cake on time for the yearly towns fest. Even though Amanita knew she would probably not be Able to redo it on time without some help. The mayor replied by saying: “I trust you and your family can do it. you have never let me down before in the 49 years that you have been here so I know that you will shock us again with your beautiful creation of a cake. That said I have a lot of other things to take care of for the town fest and I assume u still have a lot to do for your cake, So I will see you in a few hours. Good luck you got this.” Now they were really stressed but Amanita had another problem to deal with, that little strange talking cat. The cat tried to talk and beg for her help again. Before he could make out a sentence she said:” I am willing to help you but first I have to Finnish a cake. And make sure to not get spotted by my parents they don’t like animals in the bakery. You can wait on me little guy because a cake does not make itself. Well, it can but I don’t know the magical spell yet. So stay out of sight I will help you soon little guy. The cat tried to convince her that it was urgent, but he knew that she had her mind set on finishing the cake. She didn’t want to let her parents down this was the most imported occasion for her parents end she was finally allowed to make the cake. Amanita was throwing around ingredients chopping them up, mixing her batters with her spatula and kneading dough all at once with her 6 hands. The kitten was struggling to dodge her arms whilst she was grabbing ingredients from places where he was hiding. Amanita was moving in record time she only had 2 hours left to finish the cake and even she was struggling to make it on time. But after taking out her last cake and letting it cool before decorating it. With almost no time left she finished the cake and had to hurry to bring the cake to the town’s main square for the fest. Her parent’s had been watching her the hole time but had faith she could do it on her own so they only helped her carry the cake to the main square. The cake was almost a meter and a half tall and smelled so good you could see the aromas coming from it. Amanita and her family ran to the main square dodged a group of hungry little kids and put their cake down on the big table. All of the town’s folk looked in awe at the beautiful and ginormous cake: “they might make the Same cake Every year but this year it is even more spectacular” a bystander said. Everybody cheered in agreement and the mayor came to the head chair to give his yearly speech to commence the festivities. Her little sister jumped up and down and said:” lift me up I want to see”. Amanita picked her up and tolt her to sit still. Some towns folk looked a little weird at her. Amanita shrugged it off and thought to herself. People have looked at me weird my whole life because I have a mutation that Causes me to have 6 arms and for my skin to be black instead of red. But it will not ruin my day dis time. The mayor finished his speech by telling everyone that it is a special day today that it is the 50ed anniversary of the town’s bakery and the main success of the town. Everybody loved the cake and ate every last bit of it. When the rest of the festivities were over, and the sun began to set Amanita called it a day and decided to go back home and clean the bakery. The kitten came out of hiding and could not wait for tomorrow when they would find a way to help him. Whilst cleaning she saw that the bergamot flowers, she had used in the cake were a different color then normal this was quite unusual, but she didn’t think about it much more and just finished cleaning. After she had finished, she went to bed, and she showed the kitty his place to sleep.  The next day the birds were chirping, and the sun just showed above the horizon. It was quiet maybe a little too quiet for a town as busy as bergamot. Amanita went down the stairs to start her preparations for the day. Her parents however weren’t downstairs yet which was strange. A few Hours passed and no one had come in for their bread or a quick chat yet. Her parents were also still upstairs She began to worry so she went to wake them up but they wouldn’t wake up. They seemed to be fast asleep nothing woke them up not water and not a slap to the face. She then tried to wake up the cat, luckily, he did wake up and she told him:” Hey little guy I have to go I think there is something wrong. Nobody is waking up and nobody has come to pick up their bread or pastries today. Do you want to come with me? I wanted to help you solve your mystery, but this might be a bigger mystery at the moment.” The cat got a little annoyed but nodded understandingly. Amanita walked out the door and made sure to lock it and asked: “I completely forgot to ask but what is your name little guy.” The kitten responded with a confused look on his face: “my name? now that you ask I don’t really remember actually.” Amanita: “ohw that’s okay little guy we will figure it out together, for now I will just call you kitty.” The kitten nodded and they went on their way. Amanita thought it would be the best idea to go to her friend Lillie. She has a flower shop just down the road. She might be able to tell us what is going on. She arrived at the shop but found it with the lights off and without any flowers out except for some bergamot. She tried to get in, but the door was locked, very strange she thought. it then slowly dawned on her that she was the only one outside and that it was never this quiet in the city of bergamot. She realized that everyone was probably in the same state as her family. fast a sleep with no way of waking up. Her eyes glanced over at the bergamot flowers again and she read the description of the purple ones: “they are normally used in food and have a incredible taste, can also be used as tea.” Then she read the red ones: “has an extraordinarily strong taste and is a good pain killer on a low dose. Warning not to be used in high doses, can put you in an endless sleep. Then it dawned on her in a shocking revelation it was the flowers she put in the cake. Everyone ate it except   her because she had tasted it so many times before. “No, no, No this can’t be it can’t.” Amanita called out with her hands on her head. Amanita started running back home with the kitten right behind her and he said: “it was the flowers, weren't they?” a single tear rolled down her cheek, but she did not answer and kept running.  A few moments later they arrived at the bakery. How could this have happened from bergamot being the towns ones most prized possession because of its unique quality to cure and of cores for its extravagant taste. It now only resembled there down fall, how ironic since they named the town after the flower. The kitten tried to comfort her and told her that it wasn’t her fault she did not know. Amanita sadly knew the towns folk would not believe her if she told them that, since everyone in the town obviously should know the difference. So she had only 1 option left to make thinks right she could leave and find a way to undo dis tragedy before it is too late. The kitten asked: “what is the plan where are we going?”  “We?”  said Amanita: “You don’t have to come. You have to go find your way back home and I so far have not been of much help to you.” “After all this trouble you really think I’m gone let you go alone. I don’t think so, I say we do this together we both have impossible problems to solve we should at least try to solve them together.” Amanita looked shocked, moved by his words and she nodded agreeably. They both hasted to get supplies from the bakery for their travels and tried to prepare themselves for a long adventure. Amanita looked back at the bakery one last time and knew she would not see it for a long-long time. Before she and the kitten went on their way, with the first stop being her grandparent’s house. She did not get to say goodbye to her friends, but she knew that if she wanted to safe the town there was no time to lose.

Mijn karakters in dit verhaal heb ik met dit moodboard duidelijk willen maken. 
De style van mijn huis en de in houd van mijn bakkerij wil ik met dit moodboard duidelijk maken. 
De ideeën voor gebakjes wil ik hier duidelijk mee maken. 
De atmosfeer die ik wil overgeven wil ik met dit moodboard duidelijk maken. 
De rest van de objecten die ik in me beeld wil verwerken laat ik op dit moodboard zien. 
Ook haal ik graag wat inspiratie uit howl's moving castle. 
De doelgroep die ik voor deze background opdracht wil aanspreken en de mensen die dit waarschijnlijk het snelste zouden willen lezen en gebruiken als achtergrond zijn fantasie fans, sprookjes fans en mensen die van d&d houden. Ik wil mijn werk daarom sprookjes achtig en aantrekkelijk maken om naar te kijken en het niet te simpel houden.   
mijn 5 concept ideeën voor de background opdracht zijn 

1 een taverne
2 stads plein met een feest 
3 legen stads straat 
4 weg naar een sprookjes achtig huis 
5 bakkerij
Ik heb geprobeerd deze concepten zo goed mogelijk uit te werken.  Heb vervolgens na feedback gehad te hebben verder gegaan met het bakkerij concept . Omdat die mij wel het meest verteld over het verhaal wat ik bedacht heb. 
Vervolgend ben ik verder gegaan met de drawover opdracht en heb ik geprobeerd bas zijn werk nog wat meer diepte of detail te gegeven. Ook heb ik nog een heel ander beeld uitgeprobeerd. 
bas heeft ook voor mij nog een drawover gemaakt. Dit hielp ook heel erg met het poseren van mijn karakter en dit heb ik dan ook weer gebruikt in mijn eindwerk. 
Toen heb ik ook nog een finale uitlijning van mijn werk gemaakt. 
Voordat ik begon met het uitwerken. Wilde ik eerst duidelijk hebben welke kleuren ik waar wilde hebben en wat een mooi beeld gaf. 
versie 1 eindwerk 
extra opdracht animatie 
Ik heb geprobeerd met deze animatie het nog meer sfeer te geven en je nog mee mee te treken in het verhaal.
Na nog wat feedback gevraagd te hebben heb ik nog wat kleine aanpassingen gedaan. bijvoorbeeld wat objecten te verplaatsen en nog wat belichting aan te passen kleuren te veranderen.
background eindwerk
ik heb veel geleerd deze periode over belichting maar ook meer over mijn eigen stijl. Ik heb met dit eindwerk alle sferen en sprookjes achtige beeld die in mijn moodboarden staan proberen te verwerken.  Ook heb ik heel duidelijk belangrijke objecten of personages in mijn verhaal hier verbeeld .
Bij deze opdracht hat ik het doel om een background illustratie te maken. Dit vind ik ook zeker gelukt ook heb ik geleerd hoe ik het beste een background illustratie kan opzetten en aan wat voor eisen zo iets moet voldoen. Ik ben erg trots op wat ik uiteindelijk heb kunnen maken en vond het ook een erg leuke opdracht. Heb ook weer voor een extraatje een animatie gemaakt vond dit ook heel leuk en heb ook zeker weer meer daar over geleerd en meer geoefend met animeren. zou volgende opdracht wel graag nog meer met belichting gaan oefenen. Heb dit namelijk nog niet genoeg gedaan en zou dit wel meer willen beheersen.  

background illustratie

background illustratie
