Signature's Carnival Posters

Fresh Fruit, Fresh Designs: 
Signature's Carnival-inspired Posters by Catmint agency

Catmint had the pleasure of designing a series of charming posters for Signature, 
a Saudi-based brand that specializes in products from fresh fruit. ​​​​​​​

So, we created four captivating posters that now adorn the walls of Signature's cafes, 
each one depicting a different character with a unique personality and story.

We had develop characters that align with the brand's positioning of fusion 
and carnival, and to feature them in a creative and engaging way.

From sketches to the final product, our team worked tirelessly to ensure that the posters captured the essence of the brand while maintaining a distinct and eye-catching look.

And here are a couple of sketches that didn't make it to finale stage, 
but we want to share them with you anyway.

Visit our client's Instagram 
to admire our work!

Follow the Catmint Agency account 
to see what other beauty we'll do next for this brand!

Signature's Carnival Posters