Marit Otto's profile


At the end of 2018 I started creating small artworks no bigger than 30x30cm. This is more or less the result of tidying my atelier. I was about to move to a new workspace and was re-considering every item. Throughout time I collected, amongst other things, many inspirational materials, leftover canvasses and wood. I decided to process these leftovers into something new. This is how the first circular artworks emerged. I called them verbal’s because each artwork was a small verbal statement of found characters. These characters originated from plastic bags, magazines, newspapers and wrappings referring to all kinds of contemporary issues, words with a certain load or iconic statements coming from popular culture.

Next to this I found all kinds of strange but graphically interesting plastic objects on the streets. With many of these objects it was difficult or not possible to determine its origin or function. These objects also turned up in my artworks by the name U.F.O., which means in this particular context: Unidentified Found Object.

The support for the characters (verbal’s) and objects (UFO’s) are scraps of canvas, plastic bags, used t-shirts, shower curtains and much more leftover materials. The supporting frame itself is also made of residual wooden slats. So, the artworks are entirely circular. Actual remains of a day, therefore the entire installation is called ‘Remains Of Today’.

Each artwork goes with a reflective story, a lightweight philosophical contemplation. By this contemplation I migrate it to current affairs, dilemmas and observations at present. Sometimes the approach is light footed and absurdist alternated with critical remarks. The found objects, because of their origin, also have an alternative story, the story of the ‘consumer society’. During the short hikes I made, and still make, I gradually discovered these small indefinable pieces of plastic next to the usual litter like tin cans and plastic bags. By placing these typical pieces of plastic on an artistic pedestal, it reflects our daily apparently trivial but harmful actions.

Due to social media and Internet images are always and everywhere. Its communicating power is Immense. We are continuously affected, manipulated and directed in ways we cannot even imagine. My multi-panelled artwork appeals to that conspicuous feeling. It sends all kinds of signals to the viewer but the viewer is not sure of what kind of message it got. At the same time all these artworks emerged from pure coincidence and only gained secondly it’s meaning based on what was found and collected and a hunch of the artist.

Spin Off projects Remains Of Today.

Audio Experience A series of musical compositions is made by musician and composer A.R.T. (Ali Reza Tahoeni) inspired by the visual art installation ‘Remains Of Today’.

Video Experience As Ali responded to my art initially, I am responding back to his music with my video clip

