Rakshit Gopnarayan's profile

Dark-themed Clock and Alarm App with Vibrant Accents!

Hello Behance! 👋 I'm excited to share my latest design work for an Android app - a sleek and modern user interface for an alarm and stopwatch app. 

Below are the details of the different screens and features that went into the design process:

Alarm App Screens: For the alarm app screens, I incorporated a dark theme that's easy on the eyes and perfect for bedtime. The overall user flow is intuitive and easy to navigate, ensuring that users can quickly set up and manage their alarms without confusion. The orange and purple gradient accent borders for buttons and icons add a pop of fun and excitement to the aesthetic.

Stopwatch, Clock, and Timer Screens: The stopwatch, clock, and timer screens are equally easy to use and visually appealing. The purple and orange accents are muted to create a subtle gradient without being too distracting. The design ensures that users can access important features quickly and efficiently, avoiding any confusion or frustration.

The dark theme with vibrant accents creates a unique and memorable user experience that's both functional and visually stunning.

Overall, my primary goal in designing these screens was to make them easy to use, visually appealing, and functional. I believe the result is a beautiful and modern design that will help people wake up on time or manage their time effortlessly throughout the day.
Dark-themed Clock and Alarm App with Vibrant Accents!


Dark-themed Clock and Alarm App with Vibrant Accents!



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