Incognito is a vaccuum cleaner designed for light tabletop work. For the creative types who spend hours cutting, gluing and trimming.
The design for Incognito started out as we pondered the context of a tabletop vacuum and which user groups would benefit from it.
We felt that the makers and the doers, craftspeople of our new age would benefit from having a device that would help declutter their tables and remove the detritus from a long prototyping session.
By reversing polarities, Incognito will then return the debris it has picked up into the bin, which can be emptied at a later time.
Process Snapshots
Emotional addressing in form studies
Form exploration
Ergonomics and hand positioning
Incognito was deisgned to be quiet and unobtrusive, something that would blend in well with the tablescapes of its highly design-conscious user group.
Designed with Mateen Jumli and Kiera Lin.


Incognito is a tabletop vaccuum designed for a user group of creative individuals who often do hands-on work.
