Branding design
I am a skilled and experienced graphic designer with a focus on branding and product design. Throughout my career, I have had the pleasure of working with clients such as CTA, Mare Adriatic, LB Group, Tedore, Transformohu, and Teamra, to name a few.
One of my primary areas of expertise is in designing impactful and memorable branding materials such as packaging, business cards, and logos. My designs are not only visually appealing, but also effectively communicate each brand's message and values to their target audience.
I approach each project with a thorough understanding of the client's brand identity and target audience, ensuring that my designs are tailored to meet their unique needs. I have experience creating branding materials for a range of industries, including food and beverage, hospitality, and retail.
Overall, my ability to create innovative and impactful branding materials has helped my clients stand out in their respective markets and achieve their marketing goals. I take pride in my work and am committed to delivering exceptional design solutions that exceed my clients' expectations.
Branding design


Branding design
