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QC Kinetix (Banner Estrella)

What causes joint pain and how you can treat it

A joint is a connection between two or more bones. Joints are found throughout the body, including in the spine, legs, and arms. They allow bones to move against each other during movement and help protect them from damage.

Joint pain can be divided into two categories:

Acute (short-term) joint pain is usually the result of an injury or sudden trauma to your joint, such as a fall. This type of joint pain usually goes away after a few days or weeks.

Chronic (long-term) joint pain lasts longer than three months and may continue for years. It may result from injury over time or develop for no apparent reason. It's often more difficult to treat chronic joint pain than acute joint pain.
Causes of Joint pain
The most common cause of joint pain is a condition called osteoarthritis pain, which occurs when cartilage breaks down and the bones rub against each other. Osteoarthritis pain often develops as people age, but it can occur at any age. Other causes of joint pain include:

Infection. A bacterial or viral infection may cause temporary joint pain or stiffness.

Injury. An injury to a joint — such as an ankle sprain — may cause swelling, bruising, and pain. The pain generally goes away within several weeks unless you move the injured joint too much or overuse it during exercise.

Dehydration. Low levels of water in your body can lead to dehydration and decreased elasticity in your connective tissues, which could contribute to joint pain when you exercise or play sports (such as tennis).

Overuse. Overuse injuries are common in athletes who play sports such as football or soccer that involve constant running, jumping, and changing directions quickly for long periods. The constant pounding of feet on the ground can cause damage to bones, muscles, and joints over time if it's not controlled properly.
How to treat Joint pain
Are you thinking about Joint pain treatment in Phoenix? Understanding the causes of joint pain can help you treat it successfully. Here are some tips:

Exercise regularly: Exercise helps to strengthen your muscles and improve your posture and balance. It also improves blood circulation throughout the body which helps joints function better.

Do not smoke: Smoking hurts all internal parts of the body including your joints which can cause them to degenerate faster than normal and make them more prone to injury.

Avoid high-impact sports: High-impact sports such as running, basketball, or soccer can put excess stress on your joints which may lead to injuries such as sprains and ruptured ligaments. If you have already sustained an injury, consult with a doctor before engaging in any such activity again so that he/she can advise accordingly

Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep causes stress hormones to increase which increases inflammation in your body making it harder for your immune system to fight off infections. Make sure you get enough sleep every night so that your body has time to rest properly.

Address: 9305 W Thomas Rd, #460, Phoenix, AZ, 85037
Phone number: (602) 837-7246

QC Kinetix (Banner Estrella)

QC Kinetix (Banner Estrella)


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