今乙 Ittoriumu's profile

薛定谔的森林(Schrödinger's forest)

薛定谔的森林系列插画(Schrödinger's forest series illustrations)
可爱的动物与原始的森林是最纯粹的组合,也是原始生态中最动人的景色。因为人类对自然持续性的破坏与对动物的捕杀,不论是森林还是动物都在日益减少,所以创造出这个薛定谔的森林,寄托一种关于动物们能够不用担惊受怕不用面对灭绝能够自由自在地幸福生活的美好愿景。使开始重新思考人与自然的关系,反思环境问题,宣导人与自然和谐,以多边主义全 球公约共建地球命运共同体:不仅包括人类还包括了野生生物及其他与人类共用地球的所有生命形式。哲学家和艺术家一直的努力让人们以美的视角来欣赏自然本 身。由于森林生态浩瀚的空间、悠远的时间以及时空之中存在的不断演化的生命多样性,它比其 他人类的艺术形式更具有震撼力。当人类对自然的科学认知日益增加,而且人有了更多的时间置 身自然之中,体验自然之境,给人的世俗生活不断注入活力的力量。

The combination of cute animals and primitive forest is the purest, and it is also the most moving scenery in the primitive ecology. Because of the continuous destruction of nature by human beings and the hunting of animals, both forests and animals are decreasing day by day, so this Schrödinger's forest was created, entrusting a kind of idea that animals can be free and happy without fear or fear and without facing extinction. A beautiful vision of life. Let us start to rethink the relationship between man and nature, reflect on environmental issues, advocate harmony between man and nature, and build a community with a shared future for the earth with a global pact of multilateralism: including not only human beings but also wild creatures and all other forms of life that share the earth with mankind . Philosophers and artists have been working hard to let people appreciate nature itself from the perspective of beauty. Due to the vast space of forest ecology, the long distance of time, and the ever-evolving diversity of life in time and space, it is more shocking than other human art forms. When human beings' scientific cognition of nature is increasing day by day, and people have more time to be in nature and experience the natural environment, people's secular life will continue to inject vitality.
薛定谔的森林(Schrödinger's forest)


薛定谔的森林(Schrödinger's forest)


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