International Women's Day 2023

This project is for the International Women's Day 2023 and we would like the beautiful art, poetry and words speak for themselves in transmitting messages of liberation and empowerment.

Instagram : sineadmcgpoetry

She conjured all the fire within her
The storm arose and gathered force
They caged her with their fear and doubt
Placed her behind strong iron bars
They kept her in the dark
Until she confessed her sins
No candles flickered in the wind
The witch pricker stuck her skin with pins
Searching for the devil's mark 
Hours of torture in search of truth
Naked, judged by deluded men
She denied it until the pain stains
The storm kisses in signs of worship 
The devil rises in power and sings
She was a healer but now 
A witch terrified into existence
The trial of women began long ago 
A conspiracy gathering evil
They strangled and set her on fire
The flames dance as women burn
Women persecuted for witchery
Held in fear by ignorance 
Has this injustice really past?
What will make it stop?
SMcG 🖤🖤🖤

Throughout the 16th and 17th century, witch trials and the persecution and punishment of suspected witches were common in Europe. Between 1560 and 1630, there was a surge in the number of accusations of witchcraft and witch trials called “the Great Hunt” . During this time 80,000 people were accused of witchcraft and, of them, 40,000 were killed as

Instagram: alessandra.bisi

"Love for the world"

Women love the world and are mothers of freedom

Instagram : alice.rudolf

"Not more, not less, we want equality"
(Negin Badakhsh)

"Very lovely to imagine a time when all the women in the world will reflect all the colors in them"

Instagram : carolepueo
"Armed with a mind"

Against all forms of discrimination in particular, access to studies is still very unequal in the world.

Instagram : clau.gorena

Recent events from various parts of the world have highlighted the gender inequality that persists in our society. This system is particularly dangerous as it seeks to deprive women of education, preventing them from developing their own opinions and making informed choices. Denying education closes doors to self-discovery and restricts the ability to ask important questions and shape our lives according to our own desires. As advocates of free minds and a free society, it is crucial that we recognize the importance of education in empowering women to achieve their full potential.

Instagram : cristina_cerminara

One of the main focuses of  my art research is describing women's deep connection with powerful natural energies. 
Women  are naturally entangled with the  infinite flow of life. 
Nature and life can't be controlled, they simply flow with universal energies.
In this work I describe  how a woman's soul is always powerful, it can fly out of her physical body and live freely beyond all borders.
As perfectly described in many ancient mystical traditions, yin and yang blend and give birth to the origin of every element.
And yet nowadays women are still fighting for their basic rights.
Women, life, freedom is the issue nowadays. 
So many women in so many countries are still living in terrible dramatic conditions.
Let's never forget:
it doesn't happen only in Afghanistan or Iran but also in our "enlightened" western world.
Women  have still a long way to go.
And we can only win in one way: 
United and always supporting each other in solidarity. 

Instagram : dax_sanzo/
“The time of women”
 I am trying to show how time is so important in the life of women. Sometimes we cannot control it, but the secret is to enjoy every moment.

DANIELA KNEER : d._kneer/

Lilith, the black goddess of the moon" symbolises the positively learned woman and her primal energy, which is hidden in all women. From birth, every woman is unique and perfect. Everything that makes her is within her. Her whole being is within her ready to unfold and blossom through life. From her origin as a seed. We should remember her because her power leads us to freedom.

"All serious daring starts from within..."

Instagram : frnoosh.aryan
"Pooran Sasani's Second Female King"

Women can do anything they put their mind to, women can swim in the deepest sea, climb to the highest peak… Strong, thoughtful, beautiful, caring, compassionate… More than words can express.

Instagram : ivana_bukovac_visual_art
“Red Dream”
The work aim is to reflect on the state of trance in whom we can find a peaceful moment to recover your strength thinking about our next move.
On the other side, the red ribbon around the girl's neck wants to be an omage against the every day problem of violence against women.

Instagram : kamila_bartkow_art

I can be whatever I want to be.

Instagram : kirsketchbook

Frigg ("beloved"), in Norse mythology, was the Queen of Asgard and wife of God Odin.
She was associated with fertility, marriage, motherhood, prophecy and clairvoyance.
Frigg foresaw the death of her son Baldur and went to all things that could harm him and asked that they would keep him safe.
She neglected the mistletoe plant and during a God's game, a dart made out of the mistletoe, pierced Baldurs heart and he died.
As a Goddess, Frigg was responsible for weaving the clouds, in charge of weaving the fates and regarded as a protector of women, home and families.


“I am from Neptune”
I am from Neptune is part of my "Identity series" has been inspired by the character Betty from the famous tv series Mad Men. I wanted to give the alien women a possibly "bored housewife-touch", but the viewer can also see other possible scenes and associate other situations with that woman. Equally to Betty, the woman is pretty, dressed tidily, has a soft, feminine appearance underlined by the rose dress and her tender posture. But all that is rather the surface and does not mean that she is happy, let alone wants to be in this cliché role. She is bored, sitting on the staircase, waiting for something or maybe someone. In Mad Men Betty also represents these feelings but is unable to openly talk about her frustration and wishes, also because it was not regarded acceptable at this time. What seems to be a problem of then, is still a problem of today. Women being forced by society, expectations, and family pressure to fulfill a certain role, but not talk about their dissatisfaction.  "I am from Neptune" wants to say that it should be possible to openly speak about who you are, about your problems, your individuality and not hide from yourself. In society there are still too many taboo subjects and otherness are regarded as failure and inacceptable. But that is slowing some of us who might be very special down and is holding us back. It even changes your character that much that you don't know yourself anymore – just like a housewife that thinks she has to wait forever on a staircase.

Instagram : mariagraziabattestini
"The punishment of Arachne"

Instagram : mirella_buchholz/
"Cathédrale des femmes"

Instagram: ilsinkmb

The woman you're looking for
is already inside you
be silent and listen

Instagram : haymwerk

"Stronger together"
Solidarity, networking, supporting each other! To rise and to achieve
freedom and equal rights, it is essential to unite. No matter our
background, religion, cultural heritage, no matter if we are thin or curved,
if we are using Botox or would never do so, no matter if we are
businesswomen or stay at home mums, embracing a traditional role or being
a punk girl, no matter the way we dress, or speak, or are leading our lives.
Don´t talk bad about each other, don´t judge, don´t preach, embrace
diversity, and embrace your sisters. Because if we are not supporting each
other, no one will. We are the mothers of the next generation and even if we don’t have children ourselves, we are the mothers of the earth. We are the guardians of the future. The women of the world are ready to take back their position in the world, in which no man is telling us what to wear, whether we have to cover our hair or not and whether we are allowed to have an abortion or not. It is our choice, our freedom.

Instagram :

"Our Fight For Our Rights Never Ends"

Stille Skygger
Instagram : stilleskyggerart

"Wild at heart"

Instagram: puckine_eyrie​​​​​​​

Instagram :
My image is inspired by the song "Maria Maria" by Milton Nascimento and Fernando Brant. The song became an anthem of the feminist movement when performed by Elis Regina. "Maria" is a popular Brazilian name and refers in the song to all the battling and strong women, who even with all the difficulties, do not give up, fight, have faith in life to achieve their dreams and goals. 
Excerpt from the song 

"Maria Maria" 
by Milton Nascimento and Fernando Brant

"Maria, Maria is a gift, a certain magic
A force that alerts us
A woman who deserves to live and to love
Like any other on the planet"

"Maria, Maria is the sound, is the colour, is the sweat
She's the strongest and slowest dose
Of a people who laugh when they should cry
And don't live, just endure"

Instagram : kunstfabrikstudio
"Tender Shoots"

My art is dedicated to the resilience and strength in women, when the sisterhood keeps together and slowly grows roots that branch out and are interconnected and entwined with our thoughts of freedom and love, then we can not be uprooted nor can we be cut down as we will re-grow time and time again and our voices will be heard as our delicate blossoms bloom and get carried by the wind throughout the world.
International Women's Day 2023