Alejandro Bernatzky's profile

Illustration - "Vispo" the surfer.

"From the Paper to the Jpg."
Creation & illustration of a surfer character ("Vispo") from the Ariel Gonzales book "He´enalu". Starting with the pencil, vectorizing with Adobe Illustrator, and retouching with Adobe Photoshop. (5 steps: 1-Sketch, 2-Vector, 3-Color, 4-shadow, 5-texture).
Creación e ilustración de un personaje surfista ("vispo"). Proceso desde el lápiz, hasta la vectorización y digitalización en pantalla. (5 pasos: 1-Boceto, 2-Vector, 3-Color, 4-Sombras, 5-Texturas).
Sketching the character.
Vector & color treatment in Adobe Illustrator.
Shadow & texture treatment in Adobe Photoshop.
(1-Sketch, 2-Vector, 3-Color, 4-shadow, 5-texture).
"From the Paper to the Jpg."
Illustration - "Vispo" the surfer.

Illustration - "Vispo" the surfer.

Illustration, "from the paper to the jpg".
