Project Brief

This project is to improve the technical support experience for students and faculty who are experiencing technical difficulties. Currently, they have to wait in long queues for technical support, and they may not be aware of how to resolve the issues on their own. The project aims to create a user-friendly and efficient system that enables users to get quick technical assistance for their technical issues.

My Responsibilities
Qualitative Research, Defined information architecture, UX Design, Visual Design, Prototyping, Testing.

My Team
Designer (Me),  Kiran(Developer)

5 Weeks, worked in sprints of 10 days

Figma, Zeplin, Invision, FigJam, Google Sheets

long waits for students and faculty                                                                                    To report problems, we are a desk crew.

The Process

As I am designing an app from scratch, my process is more extensive and will be heavy on research to define a problem and propose a solution.

Developing empathy with users
In order to get feedback directly from students and faculty, I conducted several user research efforts including: 
1. Google form surveys
2. Phone and video interviews
Spending time with users to understand their experience with the current technical support system is likely to provide valuable insights and help identify pain points and areas for improvement.

The research process was conducted to better recognize the problems people face in their mental, physical and emotional well-being. Surveys were done with questions concentrating on a user's well-being and self-care routine. I received 95 responses, and subsequently conducted 15 interviews, which were either in-person or through video chat methods. These participants volunteered to be interviewed after completing the survey.

Survey Results
Our participants ranged from 18 to 55-year-olds.
- 80% experienced technical difficulties while using the university's systems or software.
- 60%  currently seek technical support when you encounter a technical issue.
- 100% prefer to have access to self-help resources to resolve technical issues on your own before seeking technical support?
- 80% likely to use any online platform to solve their technical issues ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Interview Results 

Next I gathered important quotes from the interviews conducted to gather the valuable information needed for an ideal solution.

Major service desk roadblocks and areas for design intervention?

So, what is the problem that we are trying to solve?

The problem that the project is trying to solve is the long wait times and lack of awareness around how to solve technical issues that students and faculty are currently experiencing. The goal is to create a user-friendly and efficient system that enables users to quickly and easily get technical assistance for their issues, ultimately improving the technical support experience for students and faculty.

User Scenario
Based on research, I made user scenario.


the solution will focus on creating an efficient and user-friendly technical support system that prioritizes the needs of students and faculty, with the ultimate goal of reducing wait times and improving the technical support experience for all users.

How did I get to the solution though?

What are others doing?

Takeaways from the analysis


I then moved on to wireframes to get a better idea of the actual structure of my APP. Here I made significant changes to icons, sizes, and color gradients. After feedback, I chose to make the quiz one page instead of multiple because users believed there were too many steps involved.


I aimed for a more monochromatic look to the page and two secondary colors.
The font used was Bodoni 72, and this was used throughout the entirety of the APP in different sizes and weight.

Hi-Fidelity Prototype

Below are the prototypes for NYITCOM. The interactive prototype was made in Figma.
 I also uploaded the video which shows the major features of the APP.

Did it really work?

Result in numbers

Thrilled customers upon the 
Beta launch of our product
Medtech Desk


Medtech Desk
