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Dacian architecture. Dacia houses 3D Wallpapers Album

Dacian architecture. Dacia houses. As architectural achievement  the homes of Dacia were at an advanced level. ​Comparable with those of Greece, Phoenicia and Carthage.
The houses were designed and built, the antiseismic structure. Most of the houses were built of wood hornbeam, yew or ash wood horn. Wood highly resistant to extreme weather over extended periods of years 200-300. The structure was modular and active. In the case of an earthquake, the house been returns  at initial position and in its original position in 90% -97%. The  wood  of Joints were on wood track, tongue and groove  Practically every beam was sliding
 ( the movable ).The houses has been insulated with a layer of flax,  hemp fiber in  inside, and sawdust and beeswax. And outside they had  plaster from : a lime cement  and ashes. Being anti flammable  and incifuge

Arhitectura Dacică . Casele Daciei.Ca şi realizare  arhitecturală casele din Dacia erau la un nivel avansat.  Comparabile cu cele din Grecia,Fenicia sau Cartagina.
Casele erau concepute şi realizate , ca structură antiseismică. Majoritatea  caselor erau construite din lemn de carpen ,tisă sau frasin sau lemn de corn.  Lemn foarte rezistent la climă extremă pe perioade lungi de peste 200-300 de ani. Structura era modulară şi activă. În cazul unui seism , casa îşi revenea la poziţia iniţială în procent de 90%-97% . Îmbinările erau pe şină, lambă şi uluc  . Prcatic fiecare bârnă era culisnată. Casele erau izolate termic , cu un strat de pânză de in ,cânepă  şi ceară şi rumeguş în interior. Iar în exterior aveau  o tencuială din ciment cu var şi cenuşă. Fiind incifuge anti- inflamabile

Dacian architecture. Dacia houses 3D Wallpapers Album

Dacian architecture. Dacia houses 3D Wallpapers Album

Dacian architecture. Dacia houses. As architectural achievement the homes of Dacia were at an advanced level.


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