Pablo Sijbrants's profile

Movieproject #1 IKJIJHIJZIJ

Poster designs for a culthouse movie (which is still in production though).
The movie IKJIJHIJZIJ is about bullying, sadness, depression, love problems, loneliness etc. 
The red rectangle stands for the world those characters are trapped in. They all live in the same environment with the same problems and unconsciously they know eachother. This is why the words IK JIJ HIJ ZIJ can be connected in different ways with eachother.
IK = I     JIJ = YOU     HIJ = HE      ZIJ = THEY

Movieproject #1 IKJIJHIJZIJ

Movieproject #1 IKJIJHIJZIJ

Movieposter design for a culthouse film called IKJIJHIJZIJ
