Mike Hahn's profile

Caffeine & Gasoline: F1 Fire-Up

Roles: Creative Direction, Videography and Post-Production, Design, Copywriting
Racing fans worth their salt know well of the legendary rivalry between Formula 1 drivers James Hunt and Niki Lauda in the 1970's. In the fall of 2013, Ron Howard chronicled the story in his movie, "Rush," and Griot's Garage capitalized on the buzz. We were fortunate to have access to Lauda's 1975 Ferrari F1 car, which was undergoing a full restoration at the time.
We generated interest in the car with content pieces and an appearance at the Seattle Auto Show, then announced we'd be firing it up (alongside a '77 McLaren like the one Hunt drove) at the monthly Griot's Garage cruise-in, Caffeine & Gasoline. I produced a teaser video for the event and shared it via social media and a regional email list...
The fire-ups were a resounding success, with an estimated 1,000 attendees (average cruise-ins draw 200-300). To get even more mileage out of the event, I produced a follow-up video  and shared it with the Griot's Garage national email list of 200K+ subscribers.
Video was the perfect way to share a broad-appeal local event with a wider audience, and also to put names and faces to a few of the folks who make Griot's Garage tick. This is one of the natural benefits of well-executed content... Humanization.
Caffeine & Gasoline: F1 Fire-Up

Caffeine & Gasoline: F1 Fire-Up

Teaser and Feature Videos, Announcement Emails
