Ms Tilly Portrait
Currently I am taking a 3D illustration course that is allowing me to branch out and experiment with a whole new type of medium as well as getting in touch with a different way of conceptualizing. For this piece, I was very inspired by Joseph Barbaccia's technique with polymer clay ( Instead of polymer clay, I used sculpey and layered my pieces. The nose on the french bulldog as well as each flower are all done individually and then layered to create a more 3D effect with a somewhat 2D concept. I used beer bottle caps to raise each clay piece off of the wooden board. I used scraps of fabric to sew together the gown and then I photoshopped the wood to a blue hue to add a contrasting color to the red.
This shot was geared more towards illustration- as if this were meant to be
published in some type of editorial piece. 
This photo was taken to show the 3D project as more of an object rather than an illustration. 
Ms Tilly Portrait

Ms Tilly Portrait

I am currently taking a 3D illustration course.
