Prototype link

Main app​​​​​​​

This was an app created for Fanduel, for their summer event. They came to us requesting an app in which they could use to bet on the games they were holding at their annual event called Fanfest. The piece included a user facing application that they could place in-app currency (all participants were provided X amount of currency at the start) bets on a variety of upcoming events, including bet types from Win/Lose, over under and Yes/No all including a multiplier and potential outcome calculator.
It also included a back-end dashboard in which event planners could manually add an upcoming event, set bet types, limits, event descriptions etc.
The whole purpose of the app was to add an extra layer over fun and healthy competition to an already competitive fuelled day.


From a UI/UX point of view I was involved from start to finish. I was involved from initial discussion with stakeholders and designing the original concepts to present back to the client. This quickly required me to create the initial UX journey with a wireframe to show the user journey and how they go from placing a bet, seeing upcoming events, results of a closed event etc. And also for the back end dashboard, how a user would set up and launch an event. Later the UI came into play including overall look and feel to asset creation.

Note: something out of my control happened to the design file, and in some instances the fonts aren't all quite displaying correct type case.
Fanfest app


Fanfest app
