Zil Drinkz

Zil is Brazil with a twist! An authentic caipirinha available nationally and also in Europe. Unexpected, irreverent and utterly fresh. To create Zil Drinks, we mixed our thirst for an urban lifestyle with Brazil’s uniqueness. Rebu positioned the brand with the aim of standing out from the competition and generating the impact that the drink deserves. We created the manifesto, packaging, concept, naming, verbal and visual expression. Zil mode is on.
Creative Direction: Pedro Mattos e Fernando Andreazi 
Flow Director: Cacau Chaves
Coordinators: Regys Lima e Giovanna Marques 
Copywriters: Fernanda Damas e Giovanna Marques
Designers: Thiago Siqueira, Regys Lima, Sidney Schunck e Pedro Mattos
Ilustration: Thiago Siqueira e Sidney Schunck
3D: Guilherme Paulino
Motion Design: Guilherme Paulino
Fotos: João Castilho
Zil Drinkz