Design 360° Magazine No.99 - The Frontier of Art Books

No.99 The Frontier of Art Books|藝術書的邊界


In recent years, with the increasing popularity of art book fairs, art books have gradually come into public life. As the art book market evolves, describing or presenting individual works, creators, or institutions is no longer sufficient to show the development of the art book market. When we reexamine the diverse and vibrant art books, we need to see the individual creators who create untiringly, the institutions that continue to explore in the field, the organizations that have long observed and sorted out works of the industry, the independent magazines that have updated and changed during the industry’s transformation, and many bookstores and exhibitions that are at the end of the chain.

In this issue, Design360° starts from its magazine DNA, and looks back at different dimensions of the art book market from different aspects like creators, organizations, and brands, to highlight the focus of different parts of the entire art book ecosystem. Design360° hopes to showcase the fresh attempts made by art books to expand the boundaries of books through a multifaceted observation at the whole ecosystem. Starting from books, Design360° hopes that more people can participate in expression and cocreation through art books, and that art books can connect more communities, so that while developing and innovating, the books can grow with new vitality and vigor.

The cover echoes the endless possibilities of the paper publishing industry through the simple design of "white space". Each white cover is also a piece of paper for free creation.We sent invitations to several designers and artists to co-create the cover.
: click the names to view more :
45° To make books, I… 為了做書,我____?
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90° New Ways to Engage with Books 書籍新玩法
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135°Flicker發現|32 Ways to Make Art Books 32種藝術書的樣貌
: click the names to view more :
180°Magnifier觀察|Building a System in Loose Soil – abC Art Book Awards and abCa Art Book in China Archive 在鬆動的土壤中建立體系——abC 藝術書獎和中國藝術出版文獻庫
: click the names to view more :
225° Brands with Vibe 風格品牌
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270° Magazine Power 雜誌力
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315° Conversations 談話場
: click the names to view more :
Publication Info
Chief Editor & Design Director: Joshua Wang
主編及設計總監:Joshua Wang
Executive Chief Editor: Hyde Ou
Editorial Consultants: Xiao Yong / Chen Nan / Jiang Hua / Hei Yiyang
編輯顧問:肖勇 / 陳楠 / 蔣華 / 黑一烊
Design: Nan / Human Mar / Iris Kuang
設計:董南逸 / 麥曉雯 / 鄺穎彤
Coordinator & Flowcharting: Xintong Lun
Editors: Lauren Luo / Xintong Lun / Yinan E / Yuer Bi / Sasei Zuo(Intern)
編輯:羅咏詩 / 倫欣彤 / 鄂軼楠 / 畢玉兒 / 左星(實習生)
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Design 360° Magazine No.99 - The Frontier of Art Books

Design 360° Magazine No.99 - The Frontier of Art Books
