About this project
Back in the 2nd semester of my 1st year in polytechnic, we were tasked to make 2 posters for a company of our choosing, using 2 of the design styles of the past that we learned in class. For this, I chose Yamaha (the part of the company that handles musical instruments), and chose the Bauhaus and Swiss design style.
My research took me to Yamaha music's main website, in which they described what they were about and what their tagline "Make Waves" meant. The "Waves" refer to the sound waves in which musicians make with their instruments, where every musician create their own sound and passion.
The poster above is the chosen one among the many that I have created as experiments. This was created using the Bauhaus style, in which it was inspired by an actual Bauhaus style poster created. The spiraling "wave" are fitted with black keys so that it transforms into a piano, paired together with the main brand colours of Yamaha. The curved lines outside the wave are inserted to suggest movement.
The poster below was my 2nd submission (Swiss design style), in which I took the tagline more literal, and made the taglines into waves. Like sound waves travelling
Other drafts and experimentation
Left: Falling piano keys (Swiss design)
Middle: Chosen poster but with a different colour palette
Right: Using sine waves, which are the representation of sound waves (Swiss design)
Yamaha: Make Waves

Yamaha: Make Waves
