Prishtina poster
Prishtina is the capital city of Kosovo. Its a city that in the first look doesn’t seem like worth visiting, but when you look closely it has some very interesting history that i tried to show in this project. The project consist of 3 monuments that i think are the fundemantals of Prishtina history.
The saviours church
The saviours church is a unfinished serbian orthodox church that started construction in 1992 and was planed to be finished in 1999 but its finishing was interrupted by the Kosovo war. It still remains unfinished and reminds every one of the dark past of Kosovo.

Goddes on a throne
Goddes on a throne is a figurine found in the sourroundings of Prishtina. It was found in 1956 and archeologyst think that is as old as 5700BC. It is one of the many facts that documents that Prishtina and Kosovo are as old as the time itself.

The newborn monument is typographic sculpture in the city of Prishtina, It is probably the most famous monument in Prishtina, it was unveiled in 17th february of 2008 (the indepence day of Kosovo) . Another fact about newborn monument is that every year on the independence day it gets re painted, every year there is a new moto displaying something about Kosovo this year the moto was the “Winged Women”, the monument this year was dedicated to women, both their successes and their problems.

The title is white and blue for a reason, those are the city’s colors and the letter P has a traditonal albanian hat called a “PLIS” reprezenting the city’s tifo group “PLISAT”
Prishtina poster


Prishtina poster
