ROLE: Conceptualization, UX Designer, Web/Interactive Designer, Art Director
CREDITS: Antonio Braz, Felix Cha, Yuan Chang, Olivier Le Guillou, Marisa Brignole
During a 45 hour competition, we were tasked with the challenge of coming up with a complete concept for an insulation company called Shield Insulation. I was in charge of the Interactive side of the project and was able to create a web mockup that solidified our campaign that our insulation is so warm, even animals take their coats off. Along with being in charge of the interactive aspect of the project, I was also the art director, making sure that all elements fit and matched our brand. It was essential that the characters were inviting as the campaign was more family oriented.
With this project, I created an iPad game that would be available to users when the product has reached its first 5000 customers. It being the first time I designed a game, I learned a lot and had a lot of fun in the process!  The game is simple. Users tap on the bottom left, centre, and right of the iPad to move Gumdrops the Penguin or Rupert the Polar Bear to collect coins. Coins can be used to buy powerups in the Igloo shop.
Being that our target market were couples and families who want to renovate their homes, our marketing campaign included giving out free hot chocolate to families on game day and other family events. This starts with our first 50 customers.
Shield Insulation

Shield Insulation

A full campaign for an insulation company, Shield Insulation.
