ambiton project

I started with the question, "What do i want to do?" So i made a mind map to figure that out.
I started on the left side with a branch about me. to figure out my likes and dislikes and bring ideas to the forefront of my mind.
When i finished that i started the right side where i started forming ideas. after sorting my ideas in four categories i looked for the one i had the motevation to do and what could learn me a new skill
so eventually i picked horror animal in the 3d desing section

So i figured out my idea and what i wanted to do , but the idea wasn't very specific,  I needed to know what animal to use.
So i gather a handfull of my friend and gave them the choice between 5 animals
dog, cat, elephant, insect and fish.
Dog won by populair vote , so now i had another decision to make wich dog.
There are alot of dog breed and making my friend choose between all of them would result in a tie so i chose three breeds and made them choose between those
Pitbull ,  Chichuahua and Poodle
Pitbull because its a known aggressive breed and i wondered if i could push those elements
Chihuahua because its small but feral and has a unique look so thats intressting to work with and finally
 Poodle because its has a unique look and generally known as a soft and nice dog
Poodle won so the idea was Horror Poodle
After finding out what exactly I was going to make, I had the questionWhat is horror? What's scary? What makes people afraid/uncomfortable?I went online to search for various fears and phobias .I finally came up with 3 common fears that I find interesting  and I can develop into a good idea 

                        1|necrophobia           fear of death or killed things
      2|nyctophobia            fear of the dark 
 3|phasmophobia       fear of ghosts

Well I wanted to make this 3d in blender. But how does blender work and I am a complete beginnerSo I started looking again for useful tutorials and instructions so that I know how to start this at all. After searching I found a video series on YouTube that taught me all the useful things about Blender. It was Blender Guru with his blender beginner tutorial series where he laid it all out as he taught us how to make a donut. because you learn faster when you do.
I have made a total of 6 sketches here, 2 of each category to get 2 different ideas with 1 mood.  In the end I choose 1 from nyctophobia ,becauseIt is a simpler design and within my skills it is also scary and meets the requirements that I have set for myself
mood/style board
I created both a mood and a style board after the sketches. 
The mood board primarily emphasized shadows and a sense of the uncanny. 
The style board featured ominous and frightful imagery, with a reference image of a poodle. 
Red and black make up the color palette; red because it has a menacing vibe, and black because it represents the shadows.
blender creation 
I began creating using the knowledge I learned from the research. 
With the information I received, I initially worked out the basic shapes, and after some playing and fiddling, I had a good idea of what the dog would look like.    

I then started slulpting to add texture and more shape detail. 
i use texture brushes and shape brushes to give the plain blob life.
final product
The finished product is a threatening-looking dog with red eyes. I reduced the material's roughness to achieve this inky appearance.

In order for the light to reflect in an interesting manner, I gave the eyeballs a more metallic texture.
this is the cinematic view. 
To create this menacing atmosphere, I increased the shadows and mood lighting.
In summary, it could have gone much better. 
Because I set myself up for failure, I had to complete the task quickly. 
I also didn't solicit enough advice or assistance, which slowed me down.

On the plus side, I learnt a new skill and the outcome isn't too bad. 
ive also learned how to work under presure and to ask more questions in the future
ambition project

ambition project


Creative Fields