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Playing with History

The Neue Residenz (»New Residential Palace«) is one of the eight exhibition locations of the Salzburg Museum. On about 3,000 square meters of exhibition floor space, the museum presents the art and cultural history of Salzburg. In addition to permanent exhibitions, special exhibitions are shown in the »Kunsthalle« on the lower floor, presenting objects from the collections in a monographic and cultural-historical context as well as loaned works that deal with Salzburg and the people who live and work here.

The special exhibition »Playing with History« highlights the influence of toys over the last 70 years. It shows toys that interpret and present the past in a very specific way. The central question of the exhibition: How do toys influence perceptions of the past?

Wooden backdrops with large-scale images of contemporary playgrounds in halftone style form an arc of suspense to the historical toys in the showcases and address the subject areas »Indians«, »Knights«, »Pirates«, »Princesses« and »Digital Games«. Cut-out sections offer space for insights into the exhibits or are used for playful exploration. For the final part of the exhibition »Digital Games«, we decided to create a pixel world: Wallpapers in an 8-bit grid and cubic elements as three-dimensional objects create a meeting zone for museum educational programmes in which visitors are encouraged to think about stereotypes and break them up in drawings.

The special exhibition »Playing with History« ties in with the exhibition »Living History« in the Spielzeug Museum.

Playing with History

Playing with History


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