The City/ The Village
A study comparing my time living in a busy city to living in a quaint countyside village.
Living between Limerick and Knock has been quite an experience. On the one hand my home town Knock is, by winter, a quiet and peaceful place. In the summertime, Knock transforms into a major tourist destination attracting more than one million tourists. Still, even with all these extra people around, Knock is still a serene place, it is very safe. On the flip side this means that life in Knock is very quite and can easily get boring and monotonous.

Limerick, meanwhile, is quite a different place to have lived in. One thing it is not, is quiet. Limerick has a reputation as one of the most dangerous cities in Europe. In terms of safety, a car should never be left unlocked, and if a house is to be left unlocked then it can expect to be gutted of its content. Still, because of this constant activity it means that Limerick is never dull, there is always something for people to talk about or a place for people to go/avoid.
This project was my Final Year Project in college, meaning it was my showpiece for the 2010 Graduate Show in the Limerick School of Art and Design.
The City/ The Village

The City/ The Village

Living between Limerick and Knock has been quite an experience. On the one hand my home town Knock is, by winter, a quiet and peaceful place. In Read More
