Guy Okazaki

Guy Okazaki’s waterman experience spans decades, starting with floating in the ocean with his father at Waikiki Beach in Hawaii before he could walk. At five-years old, his father plunked him on a wooden surfboard and Guy was at the beach with his dad every day while he worked at the Halekulani in the 1950s. Guy was lucky to be in the ocean with some of the best surfers of the era in Hawaii and learn from them—Rabbit Kekai taught him the roller coaster on a shortboard in 1967. After college in 1971, Guy traveled the world and found himself in Australia surfing with pioneers of the shortboard revolution— shaper Joe Larkin and surfers Michael Peterson and Peter Townsend.

Guy has spent over 30 years shaping surfboards and continues his craft today in Venice, California.
Linkedin:  Albert Law
Instagram: @_albertlaw
Guy Okazaki


Guy Okazaki
