Social Video Creators 2.0

Social Video Creators
Adobe Creative Cloud 2022

To demonstrate the creativity of Adobe Premiere, we tasked six talented social video creators to make magical edits using our flagship editing software. From adding animated text and graphics with German video creator @maervle to colour-changing fashion with Dubai-based @ayabarqawi, we collaborated across EMEA to create a fun and educational campaign.
With entertaining tutorials, hands-on demos and free assets available in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Arabic, we created a broad selection of content to be viewed across a series of local landing pages.



Associate Creative Director: Tasnim Bhuiyan
Marketing manager: Natalia Lopez Beswick
Art Director: Katrin Bohlinger
Agency: Bambuser, Cosmopola
Artists: Aya Barqawi, Maervle, QMike, Samio Renelda, Faffapix, Pazapah, Yosoyneza

Social Video Creators 2.0