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Hair Care Routine | Hair Care

Hair Care, also known as hair grooming is the process of keeping your hair and scalp healthy. There are various techniques that can be used for this purpose. Hair care routine is the most essential part of hair care and it should be done on daily basis.
Why is hair care Important
Hair is one of the most important parts of your body. It can make or break a person’s appearance. If you take care of your hair, it will take care of you in return. When you have healthy hair, it makes you feel good about yourself and helps boost your self-esteem! Your hair also helps protect sensitive skin on the scalp while being an insulator against cold weather that could cause chills or even lead to frostbite if exposed too long without proper protection such as hats or scarves with thick material like wool that retains heat well when worn close around one’s head/neck area (covering ears) area so that there isn't any skin showing through where snowflakes might land their moisture content on them which would cause discomfort from feeling damp or wet upon contact with exposed areas without adequate protection being used first before heading outside into winter weather conditions where temperatures drop drastically after dark hours so wearing protective clothing like long sleeved shirts under sweaters wrapped up tight around waistline/hips area over shirts layer layering sleeves up toward shoulders where they meet each other at neckline (collarbone area) rather than across chest line since this would prevent chills occurring due next time someone wears something similar again during fall season changeover months too late notice signs temperature drops going down overnight while sleeping soundly unaware until morning comes around again
What all comes in hair care
Shampoo: Shampoo is a product used for cleaning hair. It may also be known as shampoo, shampooing, or washing. Hair can be washed with water alone, but using shampoo is more effective because it contains chemicals that remove dirt and oil from the scalp and hair shaft. Some products that are popular in the market comes in shampoo + conditioner category too.
Conditioner: Conditioner works in much the same way as shampoo but it also adds moisture back into your tresses by coating them with oils or silicones that attract moisture from the air so they can be absorbed by your strands better than they would if left alone!
Hair Oil: Hair oils are essential for maintaining healthy looking hair because they seal off cuticles so they don't lose any more moisture plus add shine too! The best part about using this type of product though is how easy it is to apply; just put some onto your hands before running through each section once fully lathered up! One of the best hair oil that I found was Bhringraj hair oil.
Hair Masks: These are great for nourishing your hair and helping it look fuller again. They usually contain proteins or botanicals like avocado, aloe vera and essential oils that help repair any damage that may have occurred during styling or colouring processes. One such hair mask is from kaina skincare.

Net Weight:  200gm
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Hair Care Routine | Hair Care

Hair Care Routine | Hair Care
