Teresa Neves's profile

Ver para Entender: Design com a Ciência

Ver para Entender: Design com a Ciência
September — 2021

A peek into my final project for ESAD Matosinhos' MA in Communication Design, entitled Ver para entender: Design com a Ciência [See to understand: Science by Design]. It explores Design's relationship with Science and can be found here.
"Design presenting itself as a transversal discipline can be considered a collaborative tool for other areas of human activity. Communication Design’s skills – regarding the creation of visual elements, for example – represent a contribution in several areas of knowledge, including Science.

The scientific community expresses interest in sharing knowledge with society, but many scientific concepts are difficult to understand due to their abstract or complex nature. In this context, Communication Design can play a relevant role.

This study aims to highlight the relevance of Design in Science communication by questioning the relationship between both fields of activity, as well as setting a historical lens over it. A compilation of specific case studies is included, and also a practical exercise regarding a scale understanding visual tool."
Ver para Entender: Design com a Ciência