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INNOVATION CARDS® are cards designed to assist thought processes in both corporate meetings and internal brainstorming. The main point of INNOVATION CARDS® was made by DEKIR, Inc. based in Tokyo. These cards are arranged into six different process, and based on these arrangements, can be used to aid in both spontaneous idea development and directed thought change. 
This project is focused on the design of the logo (containing the main point of the card), packaging design, and format of these cards.
_What is innovation?
In essence, innovation is using the products of invention, new thinking, and idea development and combination to influence society in a valuable way. INNOVATION CARDS® are designed to aid in transforming thought processes to better accommodate innovation.
_Well then, what is thought process?
Thought process is the act of thinking upon and considering something with the intention of developing a logical or methodical solution. This could be reworded as the act of gaining knowledge for a purpose, or the internal steps taken to achieve a goal or solve a problem. This process involves recalling and compartmentalizing bits of disjointed information, words, and images, to figure out what actions are needed to come to an adequate solution.


The mechanism of thought - feelings, memories, learning, etc - are nothing more than the result of great number of synapsis going off in the brain. However, according to Plato, thoughts and ideas are not something that can be seen with the naked eye. In a manner of speaking, they can only be discerned with the heart’s eye or the soul’s eye, and the pure form of anything can only be found with these eyes. In other words, thoughts are the true forms and true bases of things. It might even be said that these Platonic ideas use perfect geometrical shapes to represent thought.

As previously stated, INNOVATION CARDS® are cards designed to aid in spontaneous thought creation and thought alteration. These cards are organized into six different process.

The design of the INNOVATION CARDS® logo uses these general concept in constructing the following metaphors of the thought process.
_Metaphor A

Thought process (standard process, simple process, question-based process)
Thought process revealed through 6 colors 
Platonic ideas (perfect geometrical shapes = six shape types)
Intracranial, memory-laced synapsis

_Metaphor B
Thought process (thought lamination, thought sublimation)
Thought transition = the change from ameba-shaped to perfect-shaped
Thought process revealed through 6 colors 
_Metaphor C
Thought process
Thought process revealed through 6 colors 
Intracranial, memory-laced synapsis



INNOVATION CARDS® are cards designed to assist thought processes in both corporate meetings and internal brainstorming. These cards are arranged Read More
