TwoFellows - Brand Identity

Two Fellows: Your web development agency, but more successful!
With 10 years of experience in setting up, expanding and eventually selling a software company, Two Fellows knows better than anyone where the opportunities and pitfalls lie. The goal of Two Fellows is therefore to ensure that the agency seizes the opportunities, while at the same time avoiding strategic pitfalls. In this way, Two Fellows makes projects more fun and profitable together with their customers, which leads to more time, return and job satisfaction.

The challenge
The challenge was to create a visual identity that reflects the values and experience of Two Fellows. Corporate with an edge. A brand that radiates and stands out among the comparable ones.

Our solution
A unique script wordmark, with a straight line symbolizing "The Fellow Way". This is the trajectory of Two Fellows. We have combined the wordmark with the sans-serif font Proxima Nova.

Color palette and dynamic visuals
The neon green color on the "midnight" green background creates a double and neat look. The dynamic backgrounds symbolize a unique flow. They symbolize the power to change and adapt in different circumstances during the coaching trajectories. They know the challenges of customers that they can recognize and turn into growth opportunities.

TwoFellows - Brand Identity