MadeByArtea .'s profile

Brewery Rebranding

Who is Hopfully?

A Modern & innovative company with its roots attached to art and
creativity. We are specialize in Hazy IPAs, dessert beers, and Fruited Sours.
Our customers are people looking for innovation, diversity, new flavours and
experiences. Group of people who are not satisfied only with beer, but
everything that comes with it, the story, and flavour profile. These people tend
to be more engaging with their brands and getting to understand more about
ingredients, flavours, crew involved in the company, etc. These people are more
demanding, but they can also be really connected and loyal to the brand if they
feel somehow represented.

Problem Statement 

We have great label designs but they do not match with each other, they do not
follow a guideline and the art styles are completely different, for that reason we
do not find a structure for our materials, website and advertising. It does not look like they belong tot he same brand. And these is no visual brand recollection. 


Build a high quality brand with modern beers and good visual identity.  Find a mood, structure, color palette, typing and logo adaptation for all the products and platforms. 
We need a guideline material. 

3 Step Solution

Step 1: Making the logo more compact and versatile while keep it essential the same so that we can leverage on the existing brand value.

Step 2: Finalising a base color family that suits the brand

Step 3: Designing on a label template which essentially stays the same and only the art work keeps changing

Color System Concept

HopFully specialise in fruited sours. There beers bring a lot of flavour and balance It’s more or less like drinking a smoothie, juice or savoring an ice cream straight from the can. 

Inspired by the flavour we came up with a fruity & refreshing color palette. The light toned colors ensure that the pieces of art featuring on the can labels are always in spotlight.

Color System Continuity

Any new beer flavor that is introduced will have a similar pastel shades color inspired by its flavors. This will ensure consistency in the visual language

Beer Can Label Templates

The label designs are clean and modern, spotlighting the work of art being featured. 
All beer cans to have a thin white strip at the bottom to ensure consistency and uniformity when stacked together. Every can will have an enlarged artist’s signature. This will  highlights the brand's roots in art. And makes the customer’s feel like they are enjoying 
a piece of art.

Happy Brewing

Brewery Rebranding

Brewery Rebranding
