Gig Poster
The Gig Poster was a project in which students were asked to create a poster advertising a concert for any musical artist. In this case, the artist chosen was John Coltrane. This project was made using both Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. The students were encouraged to do research on the demographics of the target audience and were asked to make a creative brief for this project as well. This concert poster was an exercise to teach the students how to create a piece based on research using both Photoshop and Illustrator. 
Client: Student Project
Role: Design/Production
Size: 720px × 1152px
Date: November 2022
Software: Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop
From the artist: "The ideas I had for this poster were generally inspired by my love for vintage 1920s style. I played with the idea of making it a newspaper headline, using old jazzy looking fonts, and other vintage elements. However, I ultimately kept coming back to this idea of Coltrane under a single spotlight."
This project also required that there be one personally photographed object in the composition. Grace photographed her brother to be the silhouette of John Coltrane playing the trumpet on the stairs. Another detail in this project is the lettering of the artist's name. Grace hand lettered his name to resemble John Coltrane's signature using the pen tool.
Final Product
Gig Poster

Gig Poster
