Selin Aran's profile

Nursery Rhyme Project

This is a project for the VA331 Illustration as Communication course. We were to visualize a nursery rhyme. The nursery rhyme I picked was a song. 

"Pazara gidelim, bir tavuk alalım,
Pazara gidip bir tavuk alıp n'apalım?
Hapur hupur hapur hupur yiyelim"

It roughly translates as

"Let's go to the market, let's buy a chicken
What do we do with the chicken
Let's eat it"

"Hapur hupur" is an onomatopoeia for the sound of eating.
I used two old family photos of my family. Buying chicken is implied to be finding a bride for a son. 

In Turkish tradition, when the groom-to-be asks for the blessing of the family of the bride-to-be she makes coffee for everyone. She then puts salt instead of sugar into his cup. If he drinks the coffee and doesn't complain it means that he loves her.
Nursery Rhyme Project

Nursery Rhyme Project

Nursery rhyme illustration project
