Emily van Lith
This is my school project for naturally, I've made this poster for an art exhibition made with nature objects to get a sea life effect. 
I hope you like it!
[Here's the Process in making the final product]
50 Pictures
Day 1: Was going outside to make 50 photo's of natural materials. It was a beautifull day so i'm very proud of the things that i captured on my phone.
DAY 2: So here we did experiments with natural materials. I made these 3 paintings with the objects in the first picture that i found in the nature.
Digital Experiments
Each of the pictures had the theme of: Busy and Colorfull
DAY 3/4: Here are the digital experiment i made from the pictures. I edited them on photoshop with a different color and added new stuff. You can see in my digital experiments that i didnt use them for my final product but only for the background.
 DAY 5: Our typography lesson started with a word, which we wrote down with the typography in our mind, then discussed it with our classmates. 
Working with Grid + Helvetica
DAY 6: We did an exercise for working with a grid for your final product. With a bit of help from my teacher these 6 placements were the best ones from the 15.

DAY 6: We also had to make 3 posters for helvetica's anniversary. I had a bit of a struggle with illustrator so i only had time to make 1 poster.
3 Photos design/series
DAY 7/12: So this is my series as my end product for this school project. I really enjoyed making the poster + painting them with the materials, but found it quite difficult to fit my poster into a theme. With this project i've learnend to work with the grid and finally know how to find the perfect font for your work.

