Charity Christmas Mini Sessions, 2022
This year, I have decided to partner up with a local photography studio rental (Ruby Manor) to create a Toy Drive charity event. I wanted to give back to my community and ease the financial burden of Christmas on families who can't afford to spend hundreds of dollars on Christmas presents. 

So many children in my community have had a rough few years, and the financial crisis we are experiencing with such high prices will surly effect how children will experience Christmas morning this year. As a child growing up in poverty, I have heard my mother say "this year, we won't have Christmas". Many times I witnessed my friends getting the best toys, gadgets, and even phones for Christmas while my mother could barely afford to feed me and my brother. 

I never felt envy; however, I always felt bad for my mother. As a mother myself, I want to give the best for my children. It breaks my heart knowing some families do not have the means to give "their best". 

That is why I organized this event - to collect toys for children, to help parents, and to spread some Christmas joy as we are closing the year and entering a new one.  
We had 17 families showing up to our event, and they collectively donated 67 toys. Ruby Manor and I packed up all of the toys and donated them to our local Toy Mountain. 

I can only hope our contribution will make hearts warm and put smiles on little chubby faces. 

Wishing all a Merry Christmas and love filled holidays!
Toy Drive


Toy Drive

Charity photography session to collect toys and give back to our community, partnered with Ruby Manor.
