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3d Printed Living Prototype TOVA _ IaaC 3dPA

​​​​​​​TOVA: Spain's first 3d Printed Earthen Construction
Living Prototypes/
Digital Fabrication Processes and Prototypes for Resource-Conscious Living Spaces
© Gregori Civera
This project was developed through IaaC's 3d Printing Architecture postgraduate program.
Researchers/ Marwa Abdelrahim, Mariam Arwa Al-Hachami, Adel Alatassi, Hendrik Benz, Michelle Bezik, Leonardo Bin, Seni Dara, Deena EL-Mahdy, Mehdi Harrak, Michelle Isoldi, Nareh Khaloian Sarnaghi , Mouad Laalou, Eugene Marais, Charles Musyoki, Orestis Pavlidis, Juliana Rodríguez Torres, Nawaal Saksouk, Aslinur Taskin
Faculty/ Vincent Huyghe, Ashkan Foroughi, Eduardo Chamorro, Elisabetta Carnevale, Guillem Baraut Bover, Gloria Font Basté, Nikol Kirova
Faculty Assistants/ Francesco Polvi, Bruno Ganem Coutinho, Marielena Papandreou and David Škaroupka
Directors/ Edouard Cabay, Alexandre Dubor
© Gregori Civera
IaaC’s 3dPA Postgraduate Program Inaugurates First 3d Printed Earthen Building in Spain

Built with earth excavated from the site located near the Institution’s affiliate Valldaura Self-Sufficiency Labs #valldauralabs, the project has made great strides in the research surrounding #3dprinting and its potential contributions to #architecture and #construction, as well as its application with sustainable building alternatives such as #earth and #plantfibers. The prototype was made possible thanks to the WASP 3D Crane.

Why Earth?

In order to reach a #KmZero project, we decided to use a material that is recyclable and locally found in most regions. Its positive climatic properties are one of the reasons why earth construction techniques have been known for over 9000 years.

3d Printed Living Prototype TOVA _ IaaC 3dPA

3d Printed Living Prototype TOVA _ IaaC 3dPA

TOVA, Spain's first 3d Printed Earthen Construction. IaaC’s 3dPA Postgraduate Program. Built with earth excavated from the site located near the Read More
