The Cyborg in the Basement Manifesto, or, A Frankenstein of One's Own: I published this hybrid essay (part argument, part memoir) in the same issue of Ada: Journal of Gender, Technology, and New Media as a piece published by Donna Haraway. Academic audiences will recognize this as a big deal, but for everyone else: Donna Haraway is a rockstar in my discipline, and it's a major win publishing in the same issue as her.
v+v: a love story between cyborgs chronicles the reincarnated spirits of women writers attached to female cyborgs. This particular book focuses on the relationship between the reincarnations of Vita Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf. I made this sketchbook as a precursor to a larger digital project I'm working on.
Below you'll see three excerpts of Light & Power: A Tesla/Edison Story: I wrote the libretto to this champer opera which traces the War of the Currents between Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison. The music was composed by Isaac Schankler and performed by the Juventas Music Ensemble in Boston.


This project portfolio has samples of my critical and creative writing.
