June 13, 2022  - Cliffs of Moher, County Clare


Our tour group had a back to back destination stops - this one following the Blarney Castle. I had been to the cliffs before, but the view was still amazing. 

Kyle and I walked the path to one side of the viewing tower, stopping to take photos along the way - trying to get around all the hundreds of people walking both ways on the small cliffside walk.

Last time here, my roommate had convinced me to sit right on the edge like a lunatic - me, being afraid of heights and all. The time I did sit near the edge, just not on it, the wind blowing my hair this way and that. 

We watched the seabirds float on the breeze next to the cliffs as if they didn't have anything else to do that day. I stared out over the immense ocean before us, not really thinking about anything, just taking the view and the peacefulness about it all in. We didn't have long at this stop either, en route to Galway, the city on the bay. I liked Galway last time we were there, the shops and the bars are all colorful, the city is loud at night with laughter and music. Kieran, our tour guide, and Dave, our driver, will go out with us on a night out in Galway - our little friend group is expanding, as we sit with friends from Australia and England as we go out. We have plans to go to a popular bar and have a few pints - and try a baby Guinness. Oh, never heard of one? Keep reading to find out!

Cliffs of Moher

Cliffs of Moher


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