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Found - The Ultimate Digital Asset Management Software

Found - The Ultimate Digital Asset Management Software
As a CG artist, I had been looking for a really decent digital asset management tool in the past few years, but I could never find one, none of which out there met my own criteria.

Enough is enough, so I decided to make my own! Here I present you with "Found", the ultimate digital asset management solution, designed by me, for everyone in the CG community! Free of charge!
Found can play videos, 3d models, HDRIs, image sequences, with many more innovative & powerful features, in a minimalist and intuitive manner.
More features will be gradually added later.

Check out this 10-minute comprehensive walkthrough to learn more about Found.
Turn any local images into Floating Images by simply drag them off with middle mouse button.
Floating Images always stay on top of the screen, for your reference.
You can also flip, rotate, turn images into greyscale and zoom the floating image with intuitive mouse actions.
Image sequence, plays like a video.

*Supported formats include common and many professional ones, including DNG, RAW, ARW, EXR, PSD and many others. More will be added in the future.
How to convert image sequence to video? Just one-click.

We all know how painful it was to convert image sequence to video, to just update the client with a new version of the shot, using a compositing or video editing software, or other post-production tools.
Found has changed it forever. One-click on the image sequence, a proper video file is generated, all parameters set automatically, high quality guaranteed.
Preview HDR Images in panoramic view, with a material ball that you can check the environment illumination to a reflective/diffuse shader.
You might be just like me, and have gathered numerous resources from different places over the years. And they scatter around in different sub-folders, while all belong to the same parent folder.
Folder Flattening allows you to see through the content in sub-folders, and bring all the content in different sub-folders up to the same level, so you can see everything all at once. You can also use Folder Flattening to see through your project's render folder to compare the image sequences from different daily render folders side by side.
All you want to know is at your fingertip.

Middle-clicking an asset and Found will display its professional information and essential attributes.
For example, when it's a 3D model, Found will show the point and face counts, size, and attached properties like UV; when it's video, Found will show the length, codec, color space, audio data, pixel aspect ratio, etc.; when it's an image, Found will show color profile, layer data details (EXR), over scan resolution (when exist); when it's image sequence, Found will show the index range, frame count, missing frames, total size of all frames.
And we have also made a web browser plugin for Found, which can turn any images from any webpages into floating windows!
You can get the plugin in the Chrome App Store for free by searching 'aalab'
All the features above are free and will remain permanently free!

In the future, Found will have a subscription-based Pro plan, which contains many more powerful & innovative features designed for professional independent artists and studios, alongside the flexible customization of Found. The Pro plan will support us to continue the development and constant innovation, while the basic plan will include all the above features free of charge. The Pro plan will not stop us from providing more productive free features, many of which are already on the roadmap.

The free version will remain as clean as it is right now. It will not have any intrusive built-in ads, and stick to a strict privacy policy which you can read from the website (TLDR: no local file info & privacy data will be uploaded guaranteed)

Download Found for FREE at Aalab.com.

If you find Found useful, please share Found to your friends and let more people know. You can also follow us on https://twitter.com/AalabCG to keep up with the latest updates & news about Found.

Found - The Ultimate Digital Asset Management Software

Found - The Ultimate Digital Asset Management Software
