Down below you can find out how i made this + all the steps and research i did. well, go on! take a look!
We got the assignment to go outside, and we did not just take pictures. We also took some leaves, feathers and broomsticks with us. This was important for later on in the process. 
After we went outside and collected natural materials, we got to experiment with ink, paint, ecoline and chalk. I stemped with feathers, leaves and self-made stemps. i just went for it and got as much experiments as i could. 
When we finished making experiments on paper, we started making them digital too. I made these in photoshop, I worked a lot with blending modes and selections. 
I made a selection of the best five textures I made. it was hard to choose which I liked the most, but I am happy with the ones i chose. 
Typography in class:
In class the teacher told us a specific word, then we needed to write the word down. But not how you normally would, how you would feel the word, how the word made you feel a certain emotion. 
Choosing which font fits each texture:
What i did here was pretty funny. Normally i would've thought about what fits where and which style i want to go for, but here i just went for it. i expiremented and i saw that a font can change the whole vibe your texture gives off. There were so many options!
The following assignment we got was all about learning how to hold on to certain rules. we only got to use one font, 3 colors: red, black and white, and we weren't allowed to blend these colors. It was harder then i thought, but it came out pretty okay and i learned a lot about position and the rule: Less is more. 
I choose this texture because of it's light, I really loved how bright It was. Some people said It made them think of something cold, but I got a warm feeling even with those cold colors. 
Here we got a really difficult assignment (In my opinion). We got to work with a grid. The images, text or whatever you cutted out didn't get to cross the lines. When you had one done and understanded what you needed to do, It was pretty intresting. 
After the first attempt i got feedback from my teacher, he simply said it was too much. The different fonts, shapes and colors. At first I didn't get it, but when i look at it now I cannot understand myself and the choices I made. But we learned and did something with this feedback. 
After the feedback I got, i asked them again a few times during the making of the second attempt. But you see the changes and progress, right? It took me so long to realise the rule: Less is more. Now I understand and I'll never forget! 
I put the cherry on the cake and did some little changes here and there. I added a link to the website (It isn't real) and played with the typography a bit more. On my page i posted other posters, they are my second series. If you'd like to take a look, you can! 

