Khanh Pham's profile

BE MY VIVU | Logo & Branding

BE MY VIVU​​​​​​​
Be My Vivu is branch of Be My Coffee that specialized in sharing and reviewing other experiences other than cafes based in Vietnam. Be My Vivu will start a new journey with you to explore places of entertainment, tourism as well as new and refreshing activities for young people. Hopefully by following me, you can not only find more beautiful cafes through Be My Coffee, but also find more exciting location through Be My Vivu!

"Vi vu" in Vietnamese can be interpreted as going around, having fun without any specific purposes. In addition to BeMyCoffee that brought you so much info on coffee shops in Vietnam, BeMyVivu want to introduce you different activities, experiences, after all, there's only so much coffee one can drink. With BeMyVivu, you can explore new activities like camping, hiking, kayaking, different festivals, fairs or touristy location, you can try DIYing, new restaurants and foody stops or just picking up a new book!

Potential Instagram highlight reels banner (in order):
1/ Arts & Crafts     2/ Activities     3/ Experiences     4/ Tourism     5/ Book Club
BE MY VIVU | Logo & Branding


BE MY VIVU | Logo & Branding
